White Ribbon Kampagnen i Europa
Stop mænds vold ved at bryde mænds tavshed
Mænd som tager afstand til mænds vold mod kvinder

Activities about ending violence against women in Denmark 
Solidarity or clientization? Ideology and structure of the Danner House 
Gender and violence in the Nordic countries - a research programme 2000-2004 

Nyhedsbrev - Europas Kvinder 
Daphne-progammet (2000-2003) 

  Women's Organisations - Denmark

List of contact parliamentarians involved in the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign to combat violence against women, including domestic violence (2006 – 2008) appointed by national parliaments;

M. Morten Østergaard, Member of Parliament
  Folketinget, Christiansborg Slot, Copenhagen DK - 1240
  Tel: (45.33) 37 55 00 (switchboard/standard); Fax: (45.33) 32 85 36 (general)
  Email: morten.ostergaard(AT)

DK's Københavnskreds var blandt initiativtagerne til dannelsen af en dansk afdeling af WRC

The White Ribbon Campaign in Denmark
Skindergade 28 1.sal
DK - 1159 København K, Denmark
Tel : +45 33 93 10 10
Fax : +45 33 93 10 09
Facts about Denmark

Map from Danemark

eur[1].gif (55083 octets)  

Lithuania Daphne Programme from the European Commission
Directorate General for Justice and Home Affairs 

European campaign to raise awareness on violence against women 



    Center for Voldtægtsofre, Århus: Til Samarbejdspartnere: Center for Voldtægtsofre er en åben, akut modtagelse. Centret skal sikre, at voldtægtsofre i Århus Amt blot behøver at henvende sig ét sted for at modtage hjælp. Centret blev indviet d. 01.11.1999.
Målgruppe: Målgruppen er kvinder og mænd i Århus Amt, der har været udsat for voldtægt eller forsøg herpå inden for 48 timer

    Dansk Kvindesamfund  . Contact: Randi Stub Petersen

    KVINFOs bibliotek er et landsdækkende specialbibliotek, der registrerer, indsamler og formidler dansk og international kvinde-, køns- og mandeforskning.  

  Sex & Samfund - The FPA was set up in 1956 to provide easy access to contraceptives for Danish
women, so that they could avoid unwanted pregnancies. Contraceptive information
and counselling have been central to the work of The FPA, as has the promotion of
compulsory sex education in public schools for adolescents and young people.
Today The FPA’s first priority is advocacy.
The FPA serves as a professional consultant on programmes on services, including quality of care, on
sex education, on male involvement, as well as on gender issues and sexual and reproductive human rights. 
The FPA has collaborative status with The United Nations’ Population Fund (UNFPA)
Skindergade 28 1. sal 1159 København K Denmark
Tel: 33 93 10 10  Fax: 33 93 10 09 

Lithuania The Daphne Programme from the European Commission
Daphne II Programme to combat violence against children, young people and women.
Directorate General for Justice and Home Affairs
