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Women's Organisations Italy

Denise Osted
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Al tempo ritrovato
via dei Fienaroli 32
00100 Roma 
Tel: +39.(0)6.68803749
Feminist Bookstore

Centro documentazione e studi sul femminismo
Via Luigi Bartolucci 27
00149 Roma
Tel. 06/5574989 
fax 06/58202433

Italian Women's Center
(Centro Italiano Femminile, C.I.F.) 
Via Carlo Zucchi, 25
Rome, Italy 00165
Tel: 39-6-622 15 07
Fax: 36-1-622 11 67
C.I.F. actively contributes to the development of civic mindedness of individuals and to community development, supports women's education and helps women to become conscious of their roles in a developing society, stimulates local communities to increase their own development, and promotes cultural and social services in general. 

Pax Romana MILC
Via F. Pacelli
Rome, Italy 00165
Tel: 0039 6 686 1897
Fax: 0039 6 686 5577

Migrant Women's Network in Italy
Via Ceprano 9
Rome, Italy 00172
Tel: 0039 6 242 35 12

Italian Association for Women in Development
Via dei Giubbonari, 30
00186 Rome
Telephone: 39-06-6873214 
Fax: 39-06-6872549
The Italian Association for Women in Development (AIDOS) is a non governmental, non profit organization, established in Rome in 1981 by a group of women development professionals and activists with the intent of carrying out the goals of the UN Decade for women: equality, development and peace. Its comprehensive goal is to support the concept and the methodology of women's empowerment by reinforcing women's organizations and NGOs in developing countries, enabling them to respond to women's needs and to manage their interventions autonomously. Since its creation AIDOS has concentrated its project work in four areas of intervention, where the contribution of Italian women is particularly relevant:

 a) women's reproductive health and rights through the creation of health counselling centers for women that follow a holistic, integrated approach and support to projects aiming at the eradication of FGM in Africa; 
b) creation of micro and small enterprises run by women and support to existing enterprises through the establishment of business service centers that provide technical and organizational support;
c) capacity building of women's institutions and organizations, mainly through the creation of documentation, information and communication resource centers; and d) the education of girls. 

Fronte Italiano Di Liberazione Femminile ( FILF ) 
Plaza SS. Apostoli 49
Rome, Italy 00187
Tel: 39-6-678 05 04
The FILF monitors women's affairs and promotes women's ideas on society in an effort to change society. 

National Italian Women's Council
Piazza dei Quirti 3, 
00192 Rome

Associazione par la Pace
Corso Trieste
Roma, Italy 00198
Tel: 0039 6 852 62 422
Fax: 0039 6 852 624 06

Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (C.G.I.L.) 
Corso d'Italia
Rome, Italy 00198
Tel: 0039 6 84 761
Fax: 0039 6 88 45 683

Older Women's Nework
Via del Serraglio 8
Corciano PG, Italy 06073
Tel: 0039 75 697 93 19
Fax: 0039 75 697 93 19

via Satta 34
09013 Carbonia, Sardegne 
Tel: +39.(0)781.660057
Feminist Bookstore

Associazione LILITH
c/o Centro di documentazione e studi delle donne Coop
"La Tarantola" Via Lanusei 15
09125 Cagliari

Archivio storico del movimento femminista
Biblioteca Women's Studies
Associazione Piera Zumaglino
c/o Casa delle donne Via Vanchiglia, 3
10124 Torino
Tel. 011/885132
fax 011/837479

TORINO: Centro interdipartimentale di studi delle donne
prof. Chiara Saraceno, Department of Social Sciences, 
via S. Ottavio 50
10124 Torino, Italy
Tel: 011/ 8125439
Fax 011/8125402
URL: http://www.kun.nl/pwp/torino.html 

Biblioteca Margherita Ferro
Via Cairoli, 14/7
16149 Genova
Tel. 010/ 2461716 
fax 010/2461715

Libreria delle donne
via Dogana 2
20123 Milano
Tel: +39.(0)2.874213
Fax: +39.(0)2.863824
Feminist Bookstore

Tam Tam Femme 
via San Vito, 24 
20123 Milano Italy
Tel/Fax: +02 8054085
URL: http://space.tin.it/associazioni/giorgfer 
Tam Tam Femme is an international women's association based in Milan, Italy. We started our activites in Congo Brazzaville, and had to quit when the civil war broke out. 

Centro Innovativo Tecniche Educative
Regione Lombardia
P.zza Giovane Italia 6/A
21100 Varese
Tel. 0332/241565 
fax 0332/222042-282042

Third World Organization for Women in Science
c/o International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) 
Enrico Fermi Building, Room 109
Via Beirut 6
P.O. Box 586
34014 Trieste
Tel: (+39) 040-2240-321
Fax: (+39) 040-224559

Madreperla Review
Via Pisino 8
Padova, Italy 35134
Tel: 0039 49 60 99 81

Donne per la Pace e il Disarmo
Casella postale 713
36100 Vicenza
Tel: +39-444-500457

Biblioteca / Centro di Documentazione delle Donna 
(Women's Library and Documentation Centre) 
via Galliera 8 
40121 Bologna 
Tel: +39 51 239 788 
Fax: +39 51 263 460 
URL: http://orlando.women.it 
The Centre was established by a group of women active in both politics and research. They intended to found an autonomous gendered institution and to promote studies on gender differences. The centre is the most significant women's institution in Italy with a wide range of national and international contacts. The Women's Documentation Centre and Library houses special collections including: books and periodicals before 1945; a special section of
literature for little girls (Sofia's Library); a feminism-of-the-seventies collection and a collection on Contemparary Women Artists in Italy. The centre also participates in an Internet Tea Room and collaborates with more than 30 Italian women's centres in the national women database, Lilith. Language: Italian. 

Centro Documentazione Donna
Leggere donna 
Via Terranuova, 12/b 
44100 Ferrara
Tel. 0532/205046 
fax 0532/53186

Gruppo Onda
Via Savonarola 27
44100 - Ferrara

Centro donna
Piazza del Popolo 9
47013 Cesena
Tel. 0547/3556462
Fax: 0547/356329

Libreria delle donne
Via Fiesolana 2b
50122 Firenze (Florence) 
Tel: +39.(0)55-24-03-84
Fax: +39.(0)55.2347810
Feminist Bookstore

FILI: centro di documentazione
Libreria delle donne
Cooperativa delle donne
Via Fiesolana, 2/b
50122 Firenze
Tel. 055/240384 
fax 055/2347810

Union of Italian Women
Via Pieroni 27, 57100 Livorno
Tel: 0586 887009

Research Center for Archives on Women
Orientale University
Largo S. Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli, 30
Naples 80134

Eva Luna
Piazza Bellini 72
80135 Napoli
Tel: +39.(0)81.445759
Feminist Bookstore

Biblioteca delle donne
c/o Palazzo di citta'
P.za M. Ausiliatrice
88068 Soverato (CZ) 
Tel. 0967/21359


GRIFF: Group for Research on Family and Feminism
University of Milan
Department of Political Science
Via Conservatorio 7

Jewish Community of Bologna
Bianca Colbi
Via Bonafede 6
Bologna, Italy
T: 0039 51 54 80 73
F: 0039 51 23 20 66

Women in development Europe (WIDE)
Palazzo della Civita del Lavoro, Rome
Tel: 06 46 48
Branch of European Organisation concerned with development. 

Global List of Women's Organisations
A Subdivision of Fullmoon's Web - 

Denise Osted


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