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What is a profeminist men's movement ?  

What is a profeminist men's movement ?

bert.bjarland@nokia.com March 2000

Profeminism means support for feminism, ie active support  for a feminist struggle for a gender equal society, for  a society providing equal opportunities for men & women.

A profeminist men's movement then is a movement of men  actively supporting feminism, listening to & learning from  women but also using whatever power they have as men to  make their contribution in the struggle for a society  providing equal opportunities for men & women.

A profeminist men's movement is not an anti-men movement  but is aware of the need to deconstruct male gender & male  heterosexual hegemony & dominance in order to achieve its  goals. It also acknowledges the conflict between  deconstructing and using male power and hence must be very  sensitive in using power to promote equality.

A profeminist men's movement addresses all men, without  trying to please men and without trying to please women.  It is by necessity an avant-garde but not an elitist  movement. It wants to convince and show men that men also  benefit from equality.

Examples of profeminist men's movements are - anti-sexist men & men against sexual discrimination    & sexual harassment  - men fighting domestic violence (eg the White Ribbon    Campaign)  - men working for a gender-equal society (eg to support &    change attitudes to paternal leave)  - part of the gay movement (SeTa)  - some fathers' rights groups 

Members of a profeminist men's movement may, on a personal  level, experience conflicts between deconstructing male  gender and being a man, ie acting a man's role.


Men Profeminist Network: http://www.europrofem.org 



Arto Jokinen   March 2000

Objet: HELSINKI:miehet väkivaltaa vastaan 8.4.
Miehet!! Ottakaa kantaa Lasipalatsin edessä 8.4.00 klo 13.00

(Men!! Take a position in front of Lasipalatsi on 8.4.00)


(Silent demonstration against structural inequality and men’s violence against women)

Miehet yhä vähät välittävät rakenteellisesta epätasa-arvosta ja väkivallasta naisia kohtaan. Muissa asioissa miehet kyllä pitävät ääntä. Tänään miehet ovat hiljaa kyseenalaistaakseen oman etuoikeutetun asemansa. Hiljenemisemme tuo esiin valtamme puheessa ja teoissa ja pyrkii heikentämään sitä.

Men continue to ignore structural inequality and violence against women.

Yet men make a lot of noise on other issues.
Today, we men question our privileged position.
Today's silence brings attention to our power, and seeks to reduce it.

Miehet osoittavat mieltään seisomalla hiljaa puolen tunnin ajan
Lasipalatsin edessä Cafe Lasipalatsin kohdalla 8.4.00. Kello 13.00
(Aleksi, Hans, Janne, Jarmo, Jeff, Jouni, Rolf, Sampo,Tommi, Ville, Ville) email: profeministimiehet@nettilinja.fi
Kaikki miehet tervetulleita


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