Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation
Sofia 1000, P.O.B. 938
12 Luben Karavelov str., ap.11
Sofia 1142, Bulgaria
Contact: Jivka Marinova ; Genoveva Tisheva
e-mail: marinova@mbox.cit.bg

BGRF is an independent NGO promoting social equality and human rights trough research, education and advocacy programs.The main issues BGRF works on are eliminating violence against women and involving men in the process of combating  men's violence against women and women's economic and political empowerment.

Fondazia BDI e nezavisima NPO, koyato raboti za postigane na sozialno ravenstvo na majete i jenite chrez izsledvania, obuchenie i zastupnicheski programi. Osnovni problemi, po koito raboti organisaziata sa nasilieto sreshtu jenite i uchastieto na majete v borbata sreshtu tova nasilie i nasarchavane na uchastieto na jenite v ikonomicheskia i politicheski jivot na stranata.

Coordination: Jivka Marinova, Board Member and Publication manager Coordinator of the Program against violence against women of the BGRF. Researcher with big experience in information analysis and campaign design. Fluent in French and English.

Jivka Marinova, chlen na US, rukovoditel izdatelska programa. Koordinator na programa za borba s domashno nasilie.Bogat opit v izsledvaniata i analiza na informazia, kakto i v provejdaneto na kampanii protiv nasilieto. Govori svobodno frenski i angliyski.

Activitees in Future related to Daphne 2: In cooperation with the other partners to the project, the BGRF will launch the White Ribbon Campaign in Bulgaria and disseminate information about the campaign among institutions, NGOs, students, media and start some men mobilization in the country. BGRF will translate, adapt and publish educational materials about the WRC, will organize two seminars in two Bulgarian cities, one in late autumn 2000 and one in early spring 2001. The seminars will be used both as information and men mobilisation campaign. In addition to that the BGRF will disseminate the materials of the WRC and will organize special events for public awareness and contributions. In the future we intend to launch a regular anti-violence education program for teen-age boys as well. v