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 Women's Organisations  - Norway

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Sorted by postal code

Norsk Kvinnesaksforening (Norwegian Association for the Rights of Women) 
P.O. Box 8901 Youngstorget
0028 Oslo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 8114 Dep. 
0032 Oslo 

Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) 
(Work Research Institute) 
Stensberggate 25
P.b. 8171 Dep/
N 0034 Oslo 1

Women's Organization Of The Conservative Party
(Hoyrekvinners Landsforbound - HKL) 
Stortingsgaten 20
Postboks 1352
N-0113, Oslo 1
Tel: 47-2-20 79 78
The Women's Organization of the Conservative Party promotes the involvement of Norwegian women in politics, defends equal rights, researches policies affecting the family, and provides child care services. 

Centre for Black, Migrant and Refugee Women
P.O. Box 1749
0121 Oslo, Norway
Tel: 0047 2 11 69 20
Fax: 0047 2 36 40 19

Norsk Kvinneforbund 
(Norwegian Association for Women) 
Grensen 8
0159 Oslo
Tel: 47-22 42 33 56

Norwegian Women's National Council
Fr. Nansensplass 6, 
0160 Oslo 1. 

TV-Campaign "Women in the Third World"
Fr. Nansenspl. 6
0160 Oslo, Norway
Tel: 0047 22 42 45 52
Fax: 0047 22 42 32 05

Norwegian Association Of University Women 
(Norske Kvinners Akademiskeres Landsforbund - NKAL) 
P.O.Box 6894
St. Olavs Plass
N-0165 Oslo 1

Norwegian Labor Party Women's Organization
(Det Norske Arveiderparti) 
Det Norske Arbeeiderpartis Kvinnebevegelse
Youngstorget 2
N-0181 Oslo 1

Forum for Women and Development (FOKUS) 
Storgaten 33C 
0184 Oslo 
Tel: +47 22 20 95 70 
Fax: +47 22 20 95 69 
E-mail: fokuskvinner@online.no 
URL: http://www.fokuswomen.org 
FOKUS represents the continuation of a five year program of cooperation between more than 40 women's organizations in Norway. The project was started in 1989 in conjunction with a fundraising telethon to aid women's projects in the Third World. After this initial campaign cooperation between the various organizations was continued with the creation of an information centre and a coordinating office to support various projects. The centre was called the Centre for International Women's Issues (CEWI). In 1995 CEWI merged with FOKUS in the Forum for Women and Development. FOKUS has created a website with an information service related to the Beijing Platform for Action. Languages: Norwegian, English. 

Institutt for Samfunnsforskning (ISF) 
(Group Research about Equality) 
Munthesgate 31
N 0260 Oslo 2

Senter for Kvinneforskning
(Center for Research on Women) 
University of Oslo P.B. 1040
N 0315 Oslo 3

Nordic Institute for Women's Studies and Gender Research (NIKK) 
University of Oslo 
P. O. Box 1156 Blindern
N-0317 Oslo 
Tel: +47 22 85 89 21 or +47 22 85 89 34
Fax: +47 22 858 950 
E-mail: nikk@nikk.uio.no  or maria.gronroos@nikk.uio.no 
URL: http://www.uio.no/www-other/nikk/english-index.html 
NIKK is a transnational, multi- and interdisciplinary research institute for the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). The institute also provides information for and on women's studies and gender research in the region. NIKK is currently working on a database of women's NGOs, as well as a database of women's studies related organizations and networks in the Nordic countries. 

Nordic Women Peace Network
Munkengv 1
0376 Oslo, Norway
Tel: 0047 2 14 30 62
Fax: 0047 2 73 88 94

Osalo Center
Sondreveien 4b
0378 Oslo 3, Norway
Tel: 0047 2 14 74 23

(Women's Front of Norway) 
Helgesensgate 12
0553 Oslo
Tel: 47-22 37 60 54

Women's Front
Boks 53, Bryn, 
0611 Oslo 6. 
Organisation of 65 country-wide groups fighting women's oppression. 

Asdalsveien 58
1169 Oslo, Norway
Tel: 0047 2 287502
Fax: 0047 2 287502

PO 96 1313 Voenenga 
Phone & Fax: 47-67 13 57 60 

Lovenskioldsvei 12
1342 Jar, Norway
Tel: 0047 67 531 300
Fax: 0047 67 531 300

Oslo Center
Kjaveien 33
1430 As, Norway
T: 0047 64 94 12 49
F: 0047 64 94 12 49

Norvegian Society of Rural Women - ACWW
2022 Gjerdrum, Norway
Tel: 0047 63 99 12 77
Fax: 0047 63 99 03 78

NordiskeKvinners Fredsnettverk
Bentserodveien 95
3234 Sandefjord
tel/fax +47-3347-3875 

Norvegian Society of Rural Women - ACWW
4760 Birkeland
Tel: 0047 37 27 61 63
Fax: 0047 22 17 65 85

Senter for Humanistick Kvinneforskning
(Center for Feminist Research in Humanities) 
University of Bergen
Hermann Fossgate 12
N 5007 Bergen

Senter for Samfunnsviteniskafpselig Kvinneforskning
(Center for Women's Studies in Social Science) 
University of Bergen
Christiesgate 5-7
N 5014 Bergen

Embla: The Womanship Row for Peace
6100 Volda
Fax: +47-57-86-10-85

Kvinner for Fred
Boks 289
7001 Tronheim

Kvinner for Fred 
(Women for Peace) 
P.O. Box 389
7001 Trondheim
Tel: 47-03 47 38 75

Senter for Kvinneforskning
(Center for Women's Research) 
University of Trondheim
Hakon Magnussonsgate 1B
N 7055 Dragvoll

Centre for Women's Research and Women Researchers
University of Tromso
N-9037 Tromso

Femina Borealis - Women and Development in the North
Kvinnoforsk, University of Tromsø
9037 Tromsø, Norway
Tel: + 47 776 46466
fax: + 47 776 4620
E-mail: Hilde.Strand@ssk.iut.no 
URL: http://syy.oulu.fi/fb/index.html 

Sami NissonForum
Pb. 110, N-9735 Karasjok, Norway
e-mail: lene.antonsen@c2i.net 
URL: http://home.c2i.net/leneant/ 
English: Sámi NissonForum is a network for local and regional development on womens premises. In the network, the members can seek partners in order to work together on issues of common interest. Annually SNF arrange seminars.
All Sami women can become members. We've got member from all four countries where Sami people are living: Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. SNF edits the women's magazine "Gába". Gába is written in Sami and Norwegian. The magazine focuses on issues on and from the Sami society; seen with the eyes of a woman. Gába contains articles, interviews, short stories, poems, bookreviews and much more. In the end of June 1999 we'll edit a magazine of articles in English. 

Norwegian: Sámi NissonForum er et nettverk for kvinner lokalt og regionalt utviklingsarbeid på kvinners vilkår. I nettverket finner medlemmene samarbeidpartere for å arbeide med saker de er engasjerte i. SNF har årlige seminarer. Alle samekvinner kan bli medlemmer. Andre kan bli støttemedlemmer. SNF har medlemmer fra alle fire land hvor samer bor: Norge, Sverige, Finland og Russland. SNF gir ut kvinnebladet Gaba på samisk og på norsk. Vi skriver om og fra det samiske samfunn - sett med kvinneøyne. Med reportasjer, intervjuer, noveller, dikt, bokanmeldelser og mye mer. 
Sámi: Sámi NissonForum lea giliid, báikegottiid ja guovlluid ovdánahttinbarggu fierpmádat, nissonolbmuid eavttuid mielde. Fierbmádagas miellahtut gávdnet ovttasbargoguimmiid ovddidit iezaset váibmoáššiid. SNF lágida jahkásaš seminára. Miellahttun sáhttet buot sámenissonat. Earát fas doarjjalahttun. SNF almmusta nissonbládi "Gába" sámegillii ja dárogillii. Bláddi govve sámeservodaga - nissonolbmo calmmiiguin. Reportášat, jearahallamat, noveallat, divttat, girjeárvvoštallamat ja vel eanet. 
Finnish: Sámi NissonForum on kylien, paikkakuntien ja alueiden kehittämisverkosto naisten ehdoilla. Verkostossa jäsenet löytävät yhteistyökumppaneita edistääkseen sydäntään lähellä olevia asioita. SNF järjestää vuosittain seminaarin. Jäseniksi voivat liittyä kaikki saamelaisnaiset, muut tukijäseniksi. SNF:llä on jäseniä kaikissa niissä maissa joissa asuu saamelaisia: Norjassa, Ruotsissa, Suomessa ja Venäjällä. SNF:ltä ilmestyy Gába-naistenlehti (saamen- ja norjankielinen). Kuvaa saamelaista yhteisöä naisen silmin. Reportaaseja, haastatteluja, novelleja, runoja, kirja-arvosteluja, ym. Heinäkuun lopulla 1999 ilmestyy lehti jossa on englanninkielisiä artikkeleja. 


Norwegian Research Council ( NAVF ) 
Muthesgt 29
Oslo 2
Secretariat for Research on Issues Related to Women

People's Aid in Norway
T: 0047 220 37 700
F: 0047 222 00 870

Global List of Women's Organisations
A Subdivision of Fullmoon's Web - 


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