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The Sex Talk: Helping Our Sons to Have Healthier,
Violence-Free Dating Relationships

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The usual stereotypical scenario involving fathers and sons goes something like this: the son turns 13 or so, the father realizes that sex will soon be an issue (if it's not already) and sits the boy down to give him "the sex talk"--usually an uncomfortable "nuts-and-bolts" discussion that's not particularly informative. Or it's probably more likely that the mother recognizes that her son should be talked to about sex and pushes the father to do so.  You've might have seen representations of it in movies like "American Pie."

Not only is the stereotype too simplistic, a single "sex talk" from a parent to a son is inadequate. We need to provide parents with ways to talk to their sons about sex that promote healthy dating relationships free of sexual violence, and that is exactly what _The Sex Talk: Helping Our Sons to Have Healthier, Violence-Free Dating Relationships_ will do.  This book will address how parents and adults can promote respect, empathy, and consent in relationships between young men and women and between young men.  This seems especially important at a time when there continue to be prominent news stories about sexual assaults--whether they be by athletes, military personnel, or concert-goers.

Stories of people's experiences with "the sex talk" will play a central role in the book--*all kinds* of "sex talk" stories, so don't worry whether yours is appropriate. Did a parent or older adult ever sit you down to inform you about sex?  If you're male, do you remember your parents or other adults talking to you about sex? Usually representations of the sex talk are from the perspective of the person receiving the talk, but it's important to have stories from the person giving the talk.  So, if you're a mother or father or adult mentor, do you have a story of giving the sex talk to your son or a young man? Stories that are close to what we might think of as the norm are wanted, but also those outside the usual norms: a parent talking to a young gay man about sex, for instance.

If you would like to contribute a "sex talk" story to the book, email it to Pat McGann at pmcgann@mencanstoprape.org , or if you'd rather share the story over the phone, email him your phone number. A permission form will be sent to you, so please include your mailing address.  If your story is used, any names and identifying characteristics will be changed.

Your story can play a role in helping boys and men to have better, violence-free dating relationships.

Pat McGann
Director of Outreach
Men Can Stop Rape

Patrick McGann
English Department
George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052


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