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project fact sheet on
male involvement and violence against women 
in developing countries

International Centre for Reproductive Health
De Pintelaan 185 P3
9000 Ghent
Contact: Els Leye [els.leye@rug.ac.be]

TITLE of the research
: Developing strategies to combat violence against women in developing countries. Part II: Research on male gender aspects and domestic violence.

PROMOTOR: Prof. Dr. Marleen Temmerman, Universitair Ziekenhuis, De Pintelaan 185 P3, 9000 Gent, België

ADDRESS: International Centre for Reproductive Health, Universitair Ziekenhuis, De Pintelaan 185 P3, 9000 Gent

PERSON(S) INVOLVED in the research: Els Leye

SUMMARY of the research :

Definition of problem:
            Activists at grassroots level and at researchers advocate to increase research on relational and contextual aspects of a woman’s life, and not to limit gender issues to female issues, but to also carry out research on male gender-aspects and to involve findings of such research into interventions concerning violence against women. More specifically, a good knowledge of the entire context of domestic violence can increase the efficiency of interventions.

Objectives :    
To assess the determinants of "violent" men, in a Latin American, African and Asian context.
To inventorise significant, existing programs and projects regarding perpetrators in the 3 above mentioned regions.
To study such projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia
To formulate strategies concerning the integration of male gender aspects in domestic violence interventions.
To formulate recommendations for a policy concerning domestic violence, targeted at women/victim and man/perpetrator

: violence against women, gender, male attitudes

Role of the project promotor
: supervision of the project

Role of the expert:
Literature review
Identification of projects in priority countries
Formulating indicators for evaluation for the projects
Carrying out field missions
Writing final report
Writing a publication with the policy recommendations on "male gender-roles" and domestic violence.

Methodology :
Review of the literature with the aim of studying the socio-cultural context in Africa, Asia and Latin-America that determines male gender roles
Inventarisation of projects, programmes and other initiatives (education, media, health care sector, …).
Formulting indicators to evaluate existing projects, programmes and other initiatives concerning male gender aspects
Missions to the identified projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Mission reports
Formulating strategies concerning the integration of male gender aspects in interventions on domestic violence on women.
Formulating policy recommendations on domestic violence against women, aiming at developing strategies towards women as victims as well as men as perpetrators.
Writing a publication with the above mentioned strategies and policy recommendations.

Month 1 – 4: literature review, networking, inventorising projects, developing evaluation indicators.
Month 5 – 9: project missions in Latin America, Asia and Africa
Month 10 - 11: Reporting of missions
Month 11 - 12: Final reporting and publication

Starting date: July 30, 2000                           DURATION : 1 year
DEADLINE FINAL REPORT: End of September 2001


