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Masculinities and Gender Bibliography


Bernheimer, Charles. "Penile Reference in Phallic Theory." Differences4.1 Spring 1992).

Boone, Joseph and Michael Cadden (eds). Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism (Routledge: 1990).

Baswell, Christopher. "Men in the Roman d'Eneas: The Construction of Empire," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.149-168.

Boswell, John. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginnings of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1980).

Bray, Alan. Homosexuality in Renaissance England (London: Gay Men's Press, 1982).

Bredbeck, Gregory W. Sodomy and Interpretation: Marlowe to Milton (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991).

Bullough, Vern L. "On Being a Man in the Middle Ages," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.31-46.

Burger, Glenn. "Kissing the Pardoner." PMLA 107 (October 1992).

Burger, Glenn. "Queer Chaucer." English Studies in Canada 20.2 (June 1994).

Butler, Judith. Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex" (New York: Routledge, 1993).

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (New York: Routledge, 1990).

Cadden Joan. The Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages : medicine, science, and culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Chojnacki, Stanley. "Subaltern Patriarchs: Patrician Bachelors in Renaissance Venice," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.73-90.

Clover, Carol. "Regardless of Sex: Men, Women, and Power in Early Northern Europe." Speculum 68 (1993), pp.363-87.

Coakley, John. "Friars, Sanctity, and Gender: Mendicant Encounters with Saints, 1250-1325," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.91-110.

Cohen, Ed. Talk on the Wilde Side: Toward a Genealogy of Discourse on Male Sexualities (Routledge: 1993).

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. "Decapitation and Coming of Age: Constructing Masculinity and the Monstrous." The Arthurian Yearbook vol. III (1993), pp. 171-190.

Crane, Susan. Gender and Romance in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994).

de Lauretis, Teresa. "Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities - An Introduction," differences 3.2 (1991), pp.iii-xviii.

de Lauretis, Teresa. "The Essence of the Triangle, or Taking the Risk of Essentialism Seriously: Feminist Theory in Italy, the U.S., and Britain." differences 1 (1989), pp.3-58.

Dinshaw, Carol. Chaucer's Sexual Poetics (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1989).

Dollimore, Jonathan. Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault (Oxford University Press, 1991).

Garber, Marjorie. Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety (New York: HaperCollins, 1993).

Dollimore, Jonathan. Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991).

Ferguson, Gary. "Symbolic Sexual Inversion and the Construction of Courtly Manhood in Two French Romances," The Arthurian Yearbook volume III (1993), pp.203-214.

Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality , three volumes, tr. Robert Hurley (Vintage Books, 1990).

Frantzen, Allen J. "When women Aren't Enough," Speculum 68 (1993), pp.445-471.

Fuss, Diana. Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories (Routledge, 1991). Gilmore, David. Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990).

Goldberg, Jonathan (ed.) Queering the Renaissance (Duke Univeristy Press, 1994).

Goldberg, Jonathan. Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991992).

Halperin, David. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality (New York and London: Routledge, 1990).

Halperin, David, J. Winkler, and Froma Zeitlin (eds.). Before Sexuality: The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World (Princeton, NJ: 1990).

Hansen, Elaine Tuttle. Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992).

Haraway, Donna. Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York: 1991), pp.127-48.

Harris, Joseph. "Love and Death in the *Mannerbund*: An Essay with Special Reference to the *Bjarkamal* and *The Battle of Maldon*." Heroic Poetry in the Anglo-Saxon Period: Studies in Honor of Jess B. Bessinger, Jr., ed. Helen Damico and John Leyerle (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1993).

Kinney, Clare R. "The (Dis)Embodied Hero and the Signs of Manhood in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.47-60.

Kruger, Steven F. "Claiming the Pardoner: Toward a Gay Reading of Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale," Exemplaria 6.1 (1994).

Laqueur, Thomas. Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud (Cambridge: Harvard Univeristy Press, 1990).

Lees, Clare A. (ed.) Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994)

Lees, Clare A. "Men and Beowulf," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.129-148.

Margherita, Gayle. "Originary Fantasies and Chaucer's Book of the Duchess." Feminist Approaches to the Body in Medieval Literature, ed. Linda Lomperis and Sarah Stanbury (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993), pp.116-141.

McAlpine, Monica E. "The Pardoner's Homosexuality and How It Matters," PMLA 95 (1980), pp.8-22.

McGerr, Rosemarie. "Reversing Gender Roles and Defining True Manhood in Parzival," The Arthurian Yearbook vol. III (1993), pp. 215-228.

McNamara, Jo Ann. "The *Herrenfrage*: The Restructuring of the Gender System, 1050-1150." Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages, ed. Clare S. Lees (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.3-29.

Melia, Daniel. "The Death Tales of the Ulster Heroes." Studia Hibernica 16/17.

Middleton, Peter. The Inward Gaze: Masculinity and the Postmodern Subject (Routledge: 1992).

Mirrer, Louise. "Representing 'Other' Men: Muslims, Jews, and Masculine Ideals in Medieval Castilian Epic and Ballad," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.169-186.

Modleski, Tania. Feminism Without Women: Culture and Criticism in a 'Postfeminist' Age (Routledge: 1991).

Moore, R. I. The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 (Oxford, Blackwell, 1987).

Partner, Nancy F. "No Sex, No Gender," Speculum 68 (1993), pp.117-42.

Paster, Gail Kern. The Body Embarrassed: Drama and the Discipline of Shame in Early Modern England (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993).

Penley, Constance and Sharon Willis (eds.). Male Trouble (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993).

Pleck, Joseph H. The Myth of Masculinity (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981).

Riviere, Joan. "Womanliness as a Masquerade." The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 10 (1929), pp.303-313.

Sayers, William. "Early Irish Attitudes Toward Hair and Beards, Baldness and Tonsure." Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie 44 (1991), pp.154-89.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985).

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Epistemology of the Closet (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990).

Silverman, Kaja. Male Subjectivity at the Margins (New York: Routledge: 1992).

Spiegel, Harriet. "The Male Animal in the Fables of Marie de France," Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages (Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.111-128.

Stein, Edward. Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy (New York and London: Routledge, 1990).

Stuard, Susan Mosher. "Burdens of Matrimony: Husbanding and Gender in Medieval Italy." Medieval Masculinities: Regarding Men in the Middle Ages, ed. Clare S. Lees (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994), pp.61-71.

Winkler, John. Constraints of Desire: The Anthropology of Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece (New York and London: Routledge, 1990).