What Does the NEWPIN Fathers Group Offer?

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What Does the NEWPIN Fathers Group Offer?


NEWPIN Father's Program



The NEWPIN Father’s program offers fathers and their pre-school children a centre based resource, open four days and one evening each week. Many of the fathers who attend the program have experienced significant abuse in their own childhoods, which has inevitably affected their self esteem and their ability to attach securely to significant others. The centre is designed to feel like a safe home, offering a secure base, enabling members to begin to make sense of past injustices and to form healthy attachments. The centre has a lounge room, a well equipped play area, a cot room for sleeping children, a kitchen and a comfortable group room.

NEWPIN take a strengths based holistic approach with families and the work is carried out therapeutically through a number of group processes. The initial group that new members belong to, takes place informally in the lounge room/play room. The lounge room/play room is a place to begin to build appropriate relationships and members learn communication and parenting skills through observing and practicing interactions. Modelling by staff and other members is very important and, at times, a staff member will work with an individual father to explore the effect of specific exchanges or behaviours. This enables members to start to understand their own responses and the effects these have on others. The role of peer support is fundamental to the working of NEWPIN.

This informal group process underpins a therapeutic and educative group program that all fathers attend, once they and their children are securely attached within NEWPIN. While the father’s are in group, their children are looked after in the play room by our highly skilled play staff.

The Personal Development Program (PDP) has six educational components for fathers:

* Fathering today – learning from our fathers and comparing the differences between then and now

* Our Skills as Parents Program – covers positive methods of discipline and building relationships with our children

* Five core values of the NEWPIN program: Support, Empathy, Equality, Respect & Self Determination

* Conflict Resolution – healthy ways of dealing with conflict and fair fighting rules

* Family Relationships - building better relationships and communication skills

* Keeping Children Safe – discuss all forms of abuse and neglect and examine the effects of abuse and to promote the care and protection of children and young people.

A further module is the Family Play Program, in which a father and one of his children, together participate in guided play experiences, aimed at strengthening healthy attachments and encouraging new parenting skills. Often this will be the first time that the adult has ever experienced the different types of play and, as well as learning about the importance of play for his children, it gives fathers an opportunity to grapple with some of those early developmental stages, that they have themselves missed out on.

Each module runs for one term and members take approximately eighteen months to complete the program. A therapeutic support group runs alongside the educational component, providing fathers with a safe space to explore past and current issues. Once a father has joined the therapeutic support group, he continues to be a member until he is ready to leave NEWPIN.

Once NEWPIN members have been through the program, they are encouraged to pass on their skills and knowledge to their peers, through befriending new fathers.


NEWPIN Operations

6-10 Mount St

Mt Druitt NSW 2770

Email: rsmith@@@burnside.org.au



NEWPIN is a support network for men and women who look after children. It offers children and their carers a unique opportunity to achieve positive change in their lives and relationships.

The Fathers Group gives men a chance to explore your experiences about being a father in a safe, friendly and private way. We will

- talk about the stresses and challenges

of being a Dad, as well as what’s good

about it.

  • Share ideas on how to be a good father: how to look after your children and yourself.

  • Meet up with our children sometimes at weekends and in holidays and have fun (e.g. swimming, going to a city farm.)

  • Give one-to-one support if you need it.

The group is free of charge and is for all fathers and stepfathers who are involved in their children’s lives, whether or not they are living with them. It will take place weekly in the evening in Walworth, South London. Each week, for about 8 months, we will talk about different aspects of being a father and eat a meal together. You can help decide what else we do - THIS GROUP IS FOR YOU.

Support from other Fathers

There are other fathers who have already been in this group, who can tell you more about it and give you support and encouragement when you need it. You will meet one of them before you join. As a group member, you will be part of a growing network of men who are proud to be involved and caring fathers.


What does a Dad do?

Dads have many things in common. Every father wants his children to love and respect him. There’s not a child alive who does not need their father’s love and approval. But you also offer something unique because of who you are. You can share your children’s lives, protect them as they grow up and give them a vision of the future.


Children who are closer to their fathers are happier and fare better in life. Fathers also matter to mums-kids can be hard work and it is good to share the responsibility. There is no single answer to the question ‘what is a good father like?’ but a good father

  • Protects and cares for his children

  • Gives them love, affection and praise

  • Spends time playing with his kids

  • Encourages them when they face challenges

  • Listens to them and answers their questions

  • Shows them life outside the home

  • Is ‘there’ for them

What can you get from being a father?

These days, part of becoming a father is becoming part of a ‘real man’. As well as the love and trust of your children, you can get self-esteem and a sense of purpose from being a father. Involved fathers are also more successful at work and have happier, more stable relationships.

Being a father can be an exhausting and isolating experience, but it can also show you strengths you didn’t know you had. More and more men are realising that their relationship with their children is one of the closest and most important in their lives. This group takes being a father seriously and values what you have to offer. DON’T DELAY! CONTACT US NOW!


If you are interested in the group, please contact me, David Bartlett for an informal chat on 0171-7O3-6326 or you can send the reply slip or a letter to me at National NEWPIN, Sutherland House, 35 Sutherland Square, Walworth, London SE17 3EE. I will get in touch with you as soon as possible


Being a father is important to me and I would like to meet other fathers who feel the same way. I am interested in joining the NEWPIN Fathers Group. Please tell me more.




Are you there,Dad?

Are you a father or stepfather?

Do you want a loving and trusting relationship with your kids?

Would you like to share your experiences about being a Dad?

Do you want a safe, supportive place to talk about being a father?

If so, NEWPIN’s Fathers Group could be for you. It is for anyone who wants support and encouragement in their role as a Dad.

"Before I came to NEWPIN I felt isolated as a Dad-but now I realise there are lots of men out there going through the same experiences."


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