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Nonviolence Training Educational 
Counseling Program

Nonviolent Alternatives

When a batterer encounters only legal consequences for their violence, and their denial belief system (blaming the victim for the violence) goes unchallenged, they will simply view themselves as a victims of an unjust system and will carry these abusive patterns to their next relationship!

Anger is a feeling....violence is a behavior! General psychological anger management model counseling, though helpful, falls short because it does not challenge directly belief systems held by batterers to justify their violent behavior choices. Anger is a feeling, battery is a violent behavior.

Our program is based primarily (though not exclusively) on the “Duluth Model”, developed by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) in Duluth, MN. Our research based curriculum is specifically designed to be the most effective counseling available to STOP THE VIOLENCE.

We do not believe that physical violence is an isolated, incidental behavior. We believe that physical violence is the culmination of many abusive behaviors, i.e. tactics to gain power and control over another person. We believe that violence was correctly defined by Ghandi as, "Any attempt to impose your will upon another".

We believe:

  1. Our clients are inherently kind, loving people who want happy, healthy, loving relationships but are unaware of how to accomplish this goal.

  2. Our clients learned at an early age to use these violent and/or abusive tactics as methods of survival, or coping skills to deal with fear and pain.

  3. Over time these behaviors, and the belief systems that foster them, become subconscious habits.

The primary goal of Nonviolence Training is to STOP THE VIOLENCE! Our program is specifically designed to:

  1. Challenge dysfunctional belief systems such as denial. Batterers develop a system of “Denial”, a mental belief system with which a batterer disassociates the consequences of violent behavior from the violent behavior itself. Thus the batterer avoids holding themself internally accountable for their own behavior. Often a batterer will say things such as, “I couldn’t help it, I was drunk.”, “They deserved what they got because of what they did to me.”, or “I got thrown in jail because they started a fight then called the police.”.

  2. Help the batterer learn to examine their behavior and bring into conscious awareness the belief systems and ways of thinking that support violent or abusive behaviors. Thus, they become self accountable for their physical violence and other abusive power and control behaviors.

  3. To teach batterers "Nonviolent Alternatives", more productive, healthier ways to deal with pain, fear, and problems in relationships.

Helping people who are violent learn to be nonviolent is our specialty. Working to end violence and save marriages is what we do. By specializing, we strive to be the absolute best at what we do!

Important Additional Features of Nonviolent Alternatives' Nonviolence Training:

  • We have NO waiting list. All our adult group classes are open ended so new clients can start at any time. We believe that early referral and intervention of abusive behaviors may prevent further abuse or violence.

  • Low fees; only $20 to $25 per weekly group session. Individual and/or couple counseling fees are usually only $40 per session.

  • Nonviolence Training is an “Educational Model” of counseling. Participants are enrolled in a class, not receiving treatment or therapy. Thus, no mental health diagnosis or label is made that could have lingering and lasting effects upon the individual’s future. No insurance or employer benefit programs are involved, yet the entire class fee ($25 or less per weekly session) is less than most health insurance deductibles and co-pays.

  • Our program is entirely client funded. We do not accept payment from employers or health insurance. We absolutely do not accept any tax-payer funding through government grants or social programs. We do not accept funding from charities or donations. We believe these funds should be directed to agencies that serve victims and survivors. It is our opinion that client self payment of fees is an important part of abusive behavior accountability.

  • Classes are conducted by qualified, well trained, experienced, Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (CADAC II) who are specialists in anger and violence issues.

  • We have excellent references from criminal justice professionals who are very familiar with my work.

  • Court mandated, pretrial diversion, and voluntary clients are all accepted and treated equally with dignity and respect.

  • Helping people who are violent learn to be nonviolent is our specialty. By specializing, we strive to be the absolute best at what we do!

  • Accountability is vital when conducting effective behavior intervention programs. I provide timely documentation (usually by fax the same night) reporting when a new client enrolls in Nonviolence Training, when they complete, or when they violate the terms of their enrollment agreement. In addition, I am experienced and effective when providing court testimony to aid in prosecution when necessary.

  • We work closely with local victim advocates such as the outreach caseworkers of Turning Point to ensure open lines of communication. We provide the names of the victims, wives, and girlfriends of all of my clients to the local advocate so they can contact them and provide services as necessary and appropriate. Furthermore, we are an active and involved member of the Greater indianapolis Domestic Violence Network, Inc. and the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV).

  • We observe all clients for signs of problems such as substance abuse or mental illness, and when necessary, provide referral or recommendation for referral, to appropriate service providers to deal with these problems. We also can do follow-up monitoring to ensure compliance with referral recommendations.

Nonviolent Alternatives
504 South Harrison Street, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176
Phone 317.392.2060 Fax 317-392-2060

copyright ©1999/2000 Nonviolent Alternatives
