Home Europe Europe

and the Nordic White Ribbon Campaign 

Kampanjen Hvitt bånd i Europa
Stopp menns vold gjennom å bryte menns taushet
Menn ønsker å stoppe volden mot kvinner

Representanter for Finlands, Sveriges, Islands og Norges Hvitt bånd-kampanjer har nå dannet Den nordiske White Ribbon-kampanjen.  Målet er å engasjere så mange menn som mulig til aktivt å arbeide for et samfunn fritt for vold mot kvinner. Du finner pekere til informasjon fra de enkelte lands kampanjer på menyen til venstre.

The White Ribbon Campaign is an international campaign for men who want to stop men's violence against women. The men participating in the White Ribbon Campaign have taken as their only common goal the following three personal pledges:

  • never to commit violence against women,
  • never to condone violence against women, and
  • never to remain silent about violence against women.

The Nordic White Ribbon Campaign     ??        

  White Ribbon Norway 
  Norway October 2000- Report from The Norwegian White Ribbon Campaign
  Internasjonalt manifest for Kampanjen Hvitt Bånd  
 Gender and violence in the Nordic countries - a research programme 2000-2004  
  Women's Organisations - Norway

The White Ribbon Campaign Norway
The Nordic White Ribbon Campaign
Box 25 Blindern, N - 0315 Oslo, Norway
Contact: Jorgen Lorentzen

Center for gender equality
Contact: Knut Oftung 
Box 8036 Dep   N - 0030 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 24 25 64

Short information about the Country 

Kampanjen Hvitt Bånd er en solidaritetsaksjon med kvinner og barn som er utsatt for vold og mishandling.
Kampanjen ønsker å mobilisere menn mot vold. Menn skal aktivt vise sin motstand mot vold og mishandling av kvinner.
Kampanjen retter seg i første omgang mot "vanlige menn". Vi ønsker å spre vårt budskap ut til arbeidsplasser, sportsklubber og organisasjoner.
I tillegg er en viktig målgruppe selvfølgelig media og den offentlige debatt. Siktepunktet er gjennom dette også å skape en større interesse hos politikere for problematikken vold og mishandling i hjemmet.

Lithuania The Daphne Programme from the European Commission
Daphne II Programme to combat violence against children, young people and women.
Directorate General for Justice and Home Affairs 

From the European Commission:

Domestic violence exists in all countries and across all social classes. It may be something that happens behind closed doors, but it is clearly a problem for society as a whole.
    The launch of a European campaign to prevent violence against women underlines the political will of the Union to curb this sad phenomenon and to coax it out of the closed family environment.

A couple of statistics help to illustrate the scale of the problem:

  • in the EU, one woman in five has at least once in her life been the victim of violence by her male partner;
  • 25% of all violent crimes reported involve a man assaulting his wife or partner.

Every year, thousands of women and children leave their homes because they are victims of abuse. 
    These terrible statistics make it all the more urgent that action is taken in a number of ways.
    Various measures have been taken by the Member States; some EU countries have created 'helplines' to aid the victims, others have organised national awareness campaigns.
    The European campaign to prevent domestic violence against women aims to support and add to these measures.
    The European Commission, in collaboration with NGOs, is supporting a series of initiatives on the ground with the aim of contributing to a change in attitudes.
    At the European level, the campaign is designed to reinforce the message that violence against women is a social phenomenon that involves not only victims and abusers, but also all those who witness abuse, as well as the police, the judiciary, the teaching profession whose role it is to promote non-violence, and the social and medical workers involved in coping with the consequences of violent acts.

The Commission has formulated several messages, addressed to the different target groups concerned:
For male abusers, the messages are:

  • domestic violence is a crime;
  • domestic violence will ruin your life as an abuser as much as the life of your victim, and;
  • help exists if you want to put an end to your violent behaviour.

For women victims of violence, the messages are:

  • break the wall of silence surrounding domestic violence!
  • don't tolerate violence!
  • help exists, find out how!

For all those who witness domestic violence, the messages are:

  • help women victims of violence break the silence
  • help them escape from victimisation!
